
answers all your questions related to rent

How do I pay the rent?
All future payments related to the lease must be done by bank transfer directly to the bank account of your landlord.  In advance you can find out how to m...
Fri, 22 Nov, 2019 at 11:47 AM
Why the PayPal gate does not work anymore for the payments?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to use PayPal for paying the rent. The reason is that by PayPal you pay to the agency not to the landlord. It means your r...
Fri, 22 Nov, 2019 at 11:48 AM
When must by the rent paid?
The rent must be on the landlord’s account at latest one day before the 1st of the month you pay for. It means if you want to pay the rent for January, it m...
Fri, 22 Nov, 2019 at 12:02 PM